Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Story Board for commercial

My group has decided for the commercial to start off with an FLHS, Fort Lauderdale High, cheer leader. The cheer leader will look sad, “dead”, and will then drink the pure life water and be “brought back to life”. This cheer leader will then give the water to an FLHS student looking “dead” and will take a sip of the pure life water and be “brought back to life” as well. This process will be repeated two more times with the cheer leader giving the water bottle to a “dead” looking FLHS guidance counselor and administrator. When they get the pure life water bottle they will the be “brought back to life as well. For the final scene we will splash the Flying L sign on our senior patio with pure life water and say “Pure life brings life to Fort Lauderdale High”. For the first scene with the cheer leader drinking the water we will use a hand held and medium shot. For the second, third and fourth scene we will use a hand-held shot, wide shot and a two-shot. For the last scene we will use a high angle and a wide shot to show the whole Flying L symbol and the water being thrown. All scenes except for the last one will have a score sound track to enhance the commercial and engage the audience, while the last scene will have dialogue.

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