Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing Blog

Today my group and I was suppose to be editing . However we were behind on filming because I was late to last class and we lacked materials. The materials we lacked were the cooler and Ice which we ended up not using . We was also behind in the editing process because we were missing a group member . Which means that I had to film the whole film while shania stared inside the film . The class before we had only filmed one shot which made us have a lot to film today . This gave me minimum time to edit and dump all film onto our computer. After finishing filming we returned to class at 10:35 however class ended at 10:50 .Which didn't give us much time to drop our raw footage. Raw footage is any footage that was previously filmed being that the film isn't edited .
However once making it to class we received some devastating news.The news was that the computer editing software was down . Pinnacle Studios is software which is automatically downloaded on our computers in class . At the beginning of the year our teacher gave a us a tutorial on how to edit . Including the opening of a folder to store footage to exporting your project. The tutorial gave the class all the necessities to make our greatest commercials. However today when it was time to put our knowledge to the test our computers were not up to the task . First many of the computers took longer than expected time to come up . Such as our Computer since we arrived at 10:35 we only had 15 mins to dump and import. The computer took 10 of those minutes just to load to our login screen.
This resulted in my group members and I not being able to edit until next class.
The editing crisis made it grateful that i shot extra film because with the extra footage we used our time wisely . Since the editing was not able to happen we could only try to dump our footage into our folder . Dumping is when you take your footage off your camera on to a computer. The editing and filming process was quiet difficult for my group for many reasons . One reason is our lack of materials pushed out filming back which delayed our editing . This caused us to shoot most of our film on Monday instead of Thursday . Another reason was our missing group member which added more work to shania and I . lastly , Our software being down on the computer . All thest reasons contributed to our hetic editing process

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