Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Starting finale task

Hey, My name is Kaliyah and I'm in 11th grade at Fort Lauderdale Highschool. I have been in Aice media class since the beginning of this school year .I have advanced so much in the study of media and the process of creating films . My schedule is pretty busy However I always find a way to
Complete all of my work.I have 5 aice classes and its beginning to get hectic because we're preparing for our test.I am only 16 , Next month i will be turning 17 . Since my first introductory , I have began passing my Cambridge by starting our finale task. My Group Mates are the same as the ones from the music video . I am working with Chad , Shania , Kerin. We worked great together being that we are all very serious about our education.We also love working together because we are friends and are together quiet often.
I have learned so much . I have learned how to film and editing footage to make it a complete concept. I have also learned how to storyboard which is one of my least favorite things. Previously when we made our commercial our storyboard was inaccurate which made it harder to film commercial.I have also learned so much within the editing process. My learning didn’t only stop at media but real life situations . We need at least 4 days to edit and not rush . We also should plan in advance so we won’t have so many mistakes That we have to make up for . Other than editing we’ve learned that getting ready to film takes a day in its self . Last time we forgot to charge the camera this time we will have a checklist to ensure everything is done correctly.
A pitch is a term to describe an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less . We have 3 pitches .
1. Michael and Naomi fell in love on their first date .The love was short lived once Naomi fell for Steven and Michael wanted nothing  but Steven dead .
2.He met this girl thinking he was going to fall in love , the whole time she was plotting something sinister, something he might not survive.
3. Someone follows three teenage girls while getting ready to have fun at their first college party. One goes missing and now they can’t find her.

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