Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Editing Blog for filming music video

We finished filming last Saturday. Being that we filmed on our phones it took us all of our last class to dump all raw footage to our computer. We started by sending all the footage to our emails . Then we downloaded all the footage to computer . After downloading all footage to the computers we put it on my USB drive . We put on the drive just in case the computers crash and we have to change our computers . After dumping the footage we then downloaded the Mp3 on our song . We used an Mp3 converter to convert the song from you tube to a mp3 file .  After all this we made a folder on the computer desktop. We named it CKSK which is all our initials as the name of the folder created .
After this we opened pinnacle studios.
We used my login so we'll have a constant editing process in pinnacle studios . We then imported all the footage into pinnacle studios . After importing the footage into pinnacle studio we dropped a couple video footage's into track 2 and started to put them into order. We didn't have much time to continue editing during this class period . However next class we will hopefully finish editing . The following class we begin by changing out a clip . We had previously filmed a clip with someone else because one of our group mates so we had to redo a clip. Now that the clip is changed we put in the rest of the clips . We just continue to cut and crop the clips as we place them in order . After we finish adding in all the clips , we then finish the transitions. Certain xlips we had transitions to emphazise some . However others are used just going to be simple jump cuts .
Today we finished editing. We put all the clips in the correct order and cut down all extra shots. During this we learned how to rotate footage . While also learning the disadvantages and advantages of filming on our phone . If we filmed on our phones vertically then the shot would flip on pinnacle studios so we had to rotate a few films . After that we added the song and added the transitions to create a flow within the video . We all looked over the video and critiqued it , which lead to our final touches being made . We added the title last then exported the video . We saved a copy of the video on the computer and my USB to secure the file .

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