Monday, November 18, 2019

planning for sky walker music video

My group mates and I chose three different locations to film at. Our music video begins at galleria which is a shopping mall close by. We'll start in the parking lot blasting Skywalker by Miguel, but not very loud because we don’t want to disturb any mall securities. We will then transition to inside the mail to buying beach wear which is our attire for the beach. After purchasing our beach wear, we will transition to the beach to have a little party amongst each other. However, we will ask permission from the store we go to film. If it rains or galleria ask us to leave, we will try a different mall and if it rains, we’ll just choose another day to do the beach scene. 
For our health and safety, we will make sure to wear seat belts while driving. We will do this because there are many consequences of driving without a seatbelt such as getting in an accident and flying through the windshield and getting a ticket. We will also look both ways before crossing any streets to avoid getting hit by a car and we will also make sure the driver will not text and drive. We will also not leave our belongings in the car because robbers would be able to see that and they might try to break into the car in order to get the items. These safety precautions will make sure to keep us safe during our filming process. 
We will have a good number of props. Our props will vary during our mall scenes we will have vary shopping bags filled with beach clothing to prepare us for our transition to the beach. At the beach we will have numerous of props to create the scene of having a party. Some of these props will include cups, a beach umbrella, beach towel, cooler and a speaker. Each group memeber would have to provide at least one prop. 
The costumes that we will wear are casual clothes. We are going to wear causal clothes in order to convey the chill vibes theme that we have throughout our video. We want to make sure that we don’t wear anything inappropriate as well, which is why we will make sure to keep the clothes we wear appropriate for school. We are going to switch clothes into our beach clothes for the beach. We are going to make sure that our beach clothes are not showing too much skin. For the girls, if they have a two-piece, they are going to wear something over that to cover it up. For me I will wear a t-shirt and some swimming trunks in order to convey the beach theme and be appropriate. These costumes are the most efficient way to keep our theme and to keep it school appropriate. 
We have a set schedule for the rest of our filming process. Today and our next class we have to finish our planning and story boarding process. Our next class isn't tomorrow because our days switch back and forth between our classes .Then we have to create a filming blog on whether we decide to film this weekend or not.  Which we decided to film on 11/30 during the thanksgiving break. This gives us 3 class periods to edit because our music video is due 12/09 . The created schedule gives us enough time to finish filming , editing and creating our music video before the due date . 

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