Friday, November 22, 2019

We didn't Film for our music video :(

Our filming process should be a lot smoother . This time our storyboard is more accurate for every shot. Last time we had many mistakes when beginning to film . We forgot materials , messed up our storyboard and didn't listen when editing . Our filming process was quite hectic but we eventually figured it out . This time we will be prepared before actually filming . We are buying the props before and then storing them inside my car to make sure we have them the day of filming  . I am also going to get my car cleaned while also buying an aux cord .  The buying of the cord will allow us to listen to the music which well react to the music by dancing. We should be well prepared when we began filming . However we decided not to film this weekend . Instead we decided to film the Saturday during our thanksgiving which gives us extra time to film .
We will check out camera the Tuesday before Thanksgiving .  Thanksgiving begins on Wednesday and we'll be filming on Saturday . This was the best choice for the whole group because most of us have jobs and other homework. On Saturday we plan to meet up at galleria mall . This mall is close to the beach which gives us about a 5 minute  drive because we'll probably film about 6 seconds of the drive to create an establishing shot of Fort Lauderdale . We're excited to have a smooth filming process because our last one didn't go as planned . After we leave the mall we will go to the beach and create a miniature parties with our friends to show us having fun at the beach . The Storyboard is way more reliable .
We are excited to film on Saturday and create our production the following week.This filming process should go very smooth. Being that we decided to film this Saturday and not the previous Saturday may have shorten our time a bit . However we still have 3 full class periods of editing plus 2 extra if we come to this class during our study hall . We have fully prepared for this weekend . We have all asked our parents , bought our selected materials , and reviewed and revised our storyboard. It should only take us about 3 hours to film our music videos . However we will shoot extra shots if we have any mishaps. All in all our filming process should go as planned and have every aspect of our storyboard on it.

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