We had previously filmed every other shot in our short film. We filmed the driving to Lester’s diner and eating at the diner . However we were still missing one key piece to the puzzle . The beginning of our film was missing as we edited everything else. We had to yield the completion because of not having the first part filmed . There was already a lot of filming to do for 2 days. When shooting this it was many over the shoulder shots . This was to show the character actions and how he planned to take her . Weapons were dropped in the stalker book bag to emphasize his needing for a murder weapon. Some of the weapons were hammers , screw drivers , tape, and poison . One mistake we made when filming this is we had to find an alternative for a map.This is where my creativity came in hand . I suggested we just use a 8x11printed map and tape pictures to it . Then attach sticky notes to it with fake address . This was one main aspect of our movie because it showed our character as a stalker. Not only was he stalking these three girls he’s been doing it for a long time . He then closes his book bag and we make sure to not edit the sound of him closing his bag because we want it emphasized. Next he walks to the button that opens the garage this is also another ambient sound we can’t cut because it makes the film more realistic. The camera then starts to follow the stalker ad he walks out of the garage. During this we have much digetic sound .
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